Indie Worldwide

Set a goal you can't afford to miss.

Join the 100-day challenge. Every day you miss working towards your goal, I'll take your money and spend it on something dumb.


How much money will I lose?

You can set your daily penalty to any amount between $1 and $10.

How will you track my progress?

Every day you will submit a short update post about your goal. Submitting the post counts as a success and failing to submit your post that day triggers the fine.

Where does the money go that I lose?

I keep it. It's mine now. I'm going to spend it on something dumb that you would hate, so make sure not to miss any days.

Why not do something good with the money like donate to charity?

Listen, if I donated your lost money to charity, you'd just have another reason to fail. Therefore, the money that you lose is going to a fund for dumb ideas and evil deeds. So make sure you actually do the work that you want to do or you're going to be making the world worse for everybody.

What about making the world a better place?

I don't want to make the world a better place. I want to make you a better person.

100 Users 100 Days Challenge Round 2 - Get 100 paying users in the next 100 days | Product Hunt